Please reserve a date as early as possible by filling out the form below. If the date you choose is not available, our church office will contact you. For more information please contact our church office (870-862-4602). Our office hours are Monday through Thursday 8 am to 4 pm (we do typically take an hour for lunch).
Reservation Policy
If you are not a church member, there is a $100 fee to reserve the Family Center Community Room or Fellowship Hall for parties, showers, etc. Members of the church are not charged a fee but donations are accepted. The Family Center Community Room is limited to 40 individuals. A reservation to use this room is limited to this room only. The Youth Underground facilities, game centers, pool tables, ping pong tables and Fitness Room in the Family Center are not to be used during non-church reserved activities. The Fellowship Hall seats up to 160 individuals. Our areas are available for 2 hour events. You also have an hour before to decorate and an hour after to clean up. For example, if you reserve an area from 2-4 you will have it from 1-5.
Wedding Policy
The wedding fee is $750 for non-members. This fee includes a $250 deposit to secure the use of the building. The deposit is returned if the area is properly cleaned, and no damages were made to the premises during the event. There is also a $100 fee for our sound engineer. If you wish to have our pastor conduct the ceremony, please contact our church office. Premarital counseling is offered by our pastor but not required. If you will require a night of rehearsal, please let us know. You may contact our cleaning service (Burton's H&H Maintenance) if you would like for them to clean the building interior after the wedding. Their fee and arrangements are your responsibility. The church office can provide you with their telephone number. Only dripless candles may be used in the sanctuary. Coordinate with the building and grounds committee before moving any furniture. Move and handle furniture very carefully and return it to the original position after the event. Please do not move any sound equipment.
Care of Facilities
The secretary will contact you regarding the key for the space. Rental fee does not include the use of kitchen paper products, please furnish your own supplies. Contact us if thermostats need adjusting. No food or drink is allowed in the sanctuary or any other carpeted areas. Tables, chairs, floors and cabinets should be left clean after an event. All decorations must be removed when your event is over. Items left will be discarded after 30 days. Trash cans must be emptied before leaving the facilities. Trash dumpsters are located in front of the Family Center and Church Building. Please be sure all trash is inside a dumpster with the lid closed. If trash cans are overloaded, please use trash cans located by church parking lot. Cleaning supplies, broom and a vacuum cleaner are in the storage room beside the Underground Café in the Family Center. A broom, vacuum cleaner, and spray cleaner for cabinets and tables are available for your use at the church also. They are located in the janitors closet next to the Fellowship Hall. Please be sure to leave the facility clean. Make sure that all exit doors are locked and lights throughout the building are out when you leave. The buildings should never be left unlocked when unattended.
Confirmation of Responsibility of Facilities
In submitting a request below, you confirm that the information provided is an accurate and fair description of your request. You understand that we release Parkers Chapel First Baptist Church of all liability for injury that may occur during the scheduled activity and assume responsibility for any and all damages caused by neglect or oversight during the said activity or as a result of the activity.
Your request for reserving the building has been received. We will contact you concerning the availability as soon as possible.
Parkers Chapel FBC
2975 Haynesville Hwy
El Dorado, AR 71730
Sunday's @ 10:45 am